Saturday, November 29, 2008

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

Does it work? Is it for you?

By Maria Benjamin

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

> >Vist The Official Website

burn the fat feed the muscleBurn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is written by certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and personal trainer Tom Venuto. (For more info on Tom, check out the official website.)

It is one of the best-selling e-books on weight loss and muscle gain in the history of the internet, and there are some good reasons why that is.

Goals Of The Program

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle (let's call it BFFM for short) accurately describes itself as a "fat loss bible." It's not for the faint of heart: it is jam packed with a shocking 340 pages of health and fitness information related to the science of food intake, exercise, and muscle building.

The great thing about BFFM is that it's aimed at burning just the fat while preserving muscle, water, and lean tissue. When people have a dramatic loss of weight at the beginning of a diet it's usually attributed to water loss, as well as fat and lean tissue. BFFM's goal is to reduce the lean tissue loss and produce real fat loss.

Although written by a bodybuilder, BFFM isn't a book about bulking up and getting huge. This is a program for everyone: men, women, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and avid readers who just want to learn more about health and fitness.


Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

BFFM is dedicated to providing superior knowledge to readers about each element of successful, health, and permanent fat loss. You'll find some great myth-busting facts in this book, as well as superb information about the how's and why's of fat loss.

BFFM is not a "diet." It doesn't restrict you to only eating protein, or cutting out carbs. BFFM arms you with the ability and knowledge to easily determine your own personal ideal intake of protein, carbs, and fats.

Rather interesting is the information on determining your body type, your Basal Metabolic Rate (base calories burned each day), and whether or not you are carb tolerant or intolerant.

Another great part of this book is the chapter on setting goals. Honestly, it might be worth the price of the book alone. Basically what it describes is that the ultimate secret to burning fat and getting in shape really has nothing to do with diets, training programs, or gimmicks.


Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

Let me put it to you this way: Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is not for the faint of heart. This is one hefty book with a LOT of information. As mentioned above, it's 340 pages of pure content. It might be a bit overwhelming for some. If you're just looking to drop some pounds and don't want to get into the science of a complex personal fitness plan, it might not be for you.

That's not to say the program isn't good-it's just that I don't want you to suddenly find yourself in the "paralysis by analysis" mode where you don't take action because it's just too much for you at this time. I'm just being honest here. It's a great program but perhaps it's not for everyone.

Does Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Work? The Bottom Line

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

If you're someone who really wants to commit to becoming the healthiest, most fit you can possibly be, this program might just be what you're looking for. Some people really dig into this kind of information and it's these people that BFFM will benefit the most. BFFM isn't a "quick fix" program that focuses on shedding pounds rapidly. It's more of an overall health compendium aimed at the most effective long-term plan for the healthiest weight loss you can achieve.

Remember: you must commit yourself to the program. If you do so you WILL lose weight and become leaner, more muscular, and healthier. It's a total lifestyle overhaul, and the benefits are tremendous.

Rather than copying everything here, I encourage you to read the testimonials at the website for proof that this program produces results.

In closing, I wholeheartedly recommend this program even if you just want to skim it for information. It's a great companion to other fitness programs because of the sheer volume of quality information about how weight loss really works.

> >Vist The Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Website

The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review Does It Work Or Is It A Scam?

The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review Author PictureBy Maria Benjamin

How Well Does "The Truth About Six Pack Abs" Work?

The Truth About Six Pack Abs is a very popular diet and exercise program that focuses on the most solid ways to train your midsection; more specifically, how to get those coveted six pack abs.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs Program

The thing about ab training books is that they all tend to be the same. The same workouts, same tips, etc. This is why I don't tend to recommend ab training books.

However, The Truth About Six Pack Abs is different. It focuses on undoing the myths and incorrect training patterns that tend to be recycled by the masses. This book is actually worth your time, and that's why I decided to put together this review.

The Basics The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review

The Truth About Six Pack Abs is actually an ebook. This means that as soon as you purchase it it is sent to you via email and you have instant access to it.

Written by Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Specialist, this ebook is about 110 pages and covers and extensive array of training myths and realities, diet guidelines, and specific exercises. The thing I really liked about Truth is that it speaks to you in a language you can understand. There's no guessing games here; It's very straightforward and down to earth.

Mike makes himself accessible to his customers by providing a contact email. He also publishes a very informative e-newsletter discussing new tips and workouts. He's committed to providing people with great workout advice, and that's a big positive for this program.

The Ab Workouts The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review

The meat of The Truth About Six Pack Abs main program is focused on ab workouts and strength training. Don't worry--you don't need a gym membership or an elaborate home workout area. Of course, having access to equipment will make things easier, however a few simple weights and an exercise ball will go a long way in allowing you to do these workouts in the comfort of your own home.

The exercises are designed to improve all the muscles in your midsection. The first part of the book is even dedicated to showing you the anatomy of the ab muscles so that you can more easily picture what you're working on during your exercises. Knowledge is power, especially when you're doing fitness routines.

For the women out there who want a toned midsection but might not like the idea of "strength training," you can rest assured that this program will still be an excellent choice. In fact, it's perfect because the array of exercises provided ensure that your abs get a balanced workout, leading to a tight, toned middle.

The Diet And Nutrition Advice The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review

Mike provides some great nutrition information that will put you on the road not only to a slimmer waist, but also to better health. He exposes some myths about "health" foods that you think are good but really aren't. He gives some excellent guidelines to help steer you towards a healthier diet.

Truth even provides a full 7 day menu that is broken down not only into specific recipes, but also specific nutritional information. This helps you plan you meals and also learn what goes into proper food selection.

Every day during this plan offers:

  • Breakfast
  • Mid morning meal
  • Lunch
  • Mid afternoon meal
  • Dinner
  • Late night meal

This isn't a fad diet or a starvation diet. It's actually a very satisfyingly complete menu that is quite easy and fun to follow. You won't feel hungry at all.

The Good The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review

Basically this is one of the absolute best programs available for developing a toned, sleek, and cut midsection.

The workouts are easy to follow with color pictures and simple instructions.

The nutrition advice is spot on, and you'll find some great tips in here on eating right.

The author is accessable and dedicated to your success.

The Bad The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review

It focuses only on abs. When are you coming out with a total body book, Mike?

Exercises will need some equipment.

Conclusions The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review

Overall I highly recommend checking out The Truth About Six Pack Abs. I really think that this is a special program that goes against the grain to provide high quality training guidelines in a complete package.

No, Truth is NOT a scam. I can assure of that. Instead, it's a thorough look at every element that goes into creating enviable washboard abs.

--> Click Here to check it out and join the thousands who are already achieving tight, toned abs!

How Well Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Work?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is an immensely popular online diet program whose main call to action is by calorie cycling and varying your food intake, boosting your metabolism in the process.

It is based on a cycle of 11 days where you follow a structured set of food guidelines, and then you are allowed 3 cheat days of "whatever" eating. You can then start the cycle again, and repeat until you've reached your desired goal.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Fat Loss 4 Idiots offers to help you lose up to 9 pounds in 11 days. Much of this is probably water weight, (since it's hard for the human body to lose so much fat at one time unless you are very obese). However, you will definitely lose fat in the process.

Let me share a few testimonials from some happy Fat Loss 4 Idiots users:

WOW! All I can say is this program is fantastic! It's so easy to implement because they help you select what foods to eat and everything is simple to prepare. I was NEVER hungry when I was on this diet!! That was the best part for me. You won't be starving yourself like other programs, and I didn't find myself craving bread or something like that. I've lost 7 pounds in the first cycle, and I'm about to start my second tomorrow!! ~Lisa G, Battle Creek MI
Amazing!!! I absolutely love this diet. I've never had results like this before. The "instant" results are what keep you motivated. The food is good and you get to choose it. All this for the price of a single trip to Weight Watchers. Crazy. I already dropped a dress size in the first 11 days, and I know others who've had the same result. ~Janet, Charlotte NC

Basics of the ProgramFat Loss 4 Idiots Review

Fat Loss 4 Idiots boils down to these basic components:

  • Eating 4 meals a day
  • Switching off between protein and carb intake
  • Making your meals at home
  • Drinking lots of water
  • Walking for exercise
  • Limiting sweets
  • Eating until you feel satisfied (not full)

These are very basic guidelines to follow. Fat Loss 4 Idiots makes it easy for you by helping you build a diet plan for the 11 day cycle.

The FoodFat Loss 4 Idiots Review

Fat Loss 4 Idiots can't really be classified as a low carb diet, or a low fat diet. In fact, it's kind of a little bit of everything, which is an interesting change of pace from the usual "fad" diets that focus on doing or eliminating ONE thing to excess (like Atkins).

The plan does not include many starchy carbs like pasta, potatoes, and breads. They do include a moderate amount of carbs however, so you won't be endlessly craving bread.

What's also interesting is that there are no calorie or portion limits. Basically they advise you to "eat until satisfied, not full." This might be a blurry line for some, so you must keep in mind that a bit of self control will be in order.

One glass of wine is permitted per day for you wine connoisseurs.

Vegetarians will be pleased to find that there is a vegetarian option for the plan, which includes several soy substitutes and a healthy portion of nuts.

The GoodFat Loss 4 Idiots Review

Fat Loss 4 Idiots stays true to its name. (And no, I'm not calling anyone who uses the diet an idiot!) It's basically a no-nonsense plan that gives you a set of steps and simply asks you to follow them. You won't find any complex, hard to understand science about weight loss. Just follow the diet. This is GREAT for people who would like to lose weight but don't want to slog through an entire book before getting to the point.

The diet is very well balanced, although there is a high amount of protein.

The BadFat Loss 4 Idiots Review

Fat Loss 4 Idiots will indeed help you lose weight. However, the diet is a bit bland and boring, so you might not be able to continue the plan forever. For short term weight loss goals, the diet works quite well. One solution might be to use Fat Loss 4 Idiots at first, and then slowly educate yourself into better overall eating habits.

The Bottom LineFat Loss 4 Idiots Review

The feedback about this program is great, and many people are reporting excellent results across the board. If you're not into the "science of weight loss" and simply want to drop the pounds, I highly encourage you to check out Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Click Here To Join The Thousands Who Are Already Losing Weight With Fat Loss 4 Idiots!

Remember: motivation is key. With personal weight loss plans, YOU are the only one controlling the outcome. Success can definitely be yours with a little determination and commitment!